Those who have followed my blog probably know that I suffer from arthritis in my hands, arms and shoulders. Besides that, it is also in my feet, knees and hips, as well as the lower part of my back.
Now autumn has arrived and winter is around the corner, so I am once again sent to count, as my arthritis symptoms worsen at this time of year. Therefore, it is uncertain how much I can use my hands in the coming time. My gloves with built-in heat have been found and are ready to keep my hands supple when the pain takes over.
In between I hope to do a little puzzle, because it is also important to keep my hands and fingers busy, even if it will hurt.
Today it’s really autumn-like here in Denmark, so after a walk with Darwin, I made a good cup of tea. It also does wonders for the mind.
I’m just going to make a single smaller Christmas puzzle – and then I’ve bought myself a puzzle calendar that I can have fun with in December.
Today I drove a whole sack full of puzzles away for recycling. And I have several that I have to get rid of as I don’t want to have them anymore. I hope that others can find joy in them.
My taste in puzzles has changed and next year I don’t have so many plans for what I want in that direction.
Next week I will also be sending off several puzzles for recycling
Another reason why I do it is also that the space for the puzzles becomes smaller. It is limited how many I have room for.
Many of the puzzles are old – some of them I’ve done several times and now it’s not so much fun anymore.
My tastes have also changed, so I’m looking forward to having more space for the puzzles that will find their way to me.
Next year, there probably won’t be quite as many on my board, but those that do I will enjoy extra
New puzzle – more pictures in the menu Adventure puzzle
This puzzle just knocked some teeth out of me. I just love this theme with the fairy, the mushrooms and the fairytale forest – but the dark colors teased me quite a bit – but I’m very happy with the result and it fits right here at the beginning of autumn.
Nyt puslespil fra ravensburger 1000 brikker – tegnet af Hanna Karlzon.
Dette puslespil var jeg meget tæt på at opgive – det var bare brikker på brikker, som man intet kunne se sig ud af. Men alligevel et dejligt farvestrålene billede. Jeg var dog så engageret, at jeg fik det lavet – men det tog mig 9 dage denne gang, hvor jeg er gået til og fra i disse dage. Jeg er også sådan anlagt at det er godt lige at træde tilbage og lade det ligge. Der var en weekend i mellem hvor jeg ikke rørte det.
Nu er det endelig færdigt og jeg kan godt afsløre at jeg ikke vil lave det igen.
Puslespillet hedder Nocturnal forest magic
Der kan ses flere billeder under Adventure siden i menuen.
New puzzle from ravensburger 1000 pieces – designed by Hanna Karlzon.
I was very close to giving up on this puzzle – it was just pieces on top of pieces that you couldn’t figure out. But still a nice colorful picture. However, I was so committed that I got it done – but it took me 9 days this time, where I have been on and off these days. I am also of such a nature that it is good to just step back and leave it at that. There was a weekend in between where I didn’t touch it.
Now it’s finally finished and I can reveal that I don’t want to do it again.
The puzzle is called Nocturnal forest magic
You can see more pictures under the Adventure page in the menu
Floral Mushroom houses is a Ravensburger puzzle of 1000 pieces. Drawn by Hanna Karlzon.
This puzzle has been a long time coming. In fact, I started on it at the end of August 23 – and worked on it into September. Unfortunately, as fate would have it, I bumped into a door frame and dropped it all on the floor. I got frustrated and packed it all away.
Until March 4, when I took it out again and started, once again. I spent a total of 8 days putting it together – there was a weekend in between where I didn’t have time for it.
I have to say that these colors really appeal to me, but then it stops here too, because it is a puzzle with so many details that I probably won’t do it again. I was relieved when it was all finished yesterday. I will therefore also spam with pictures of my efforts.
Jeg har desværre haft svært ved at styre mit blodsukker gennem en del tid.
I første omgang kom jeg over på en ny insulin – det skete for 1 års tid siden. Den har jeg skullet indkøre, for at ind i mellem justere på dosis. Det blev en overgang bedre – men ikke godt nok.
Min læge ville have mig på Ozempic – men det takkede jeg NEJ TAK til, grundet at dette også er en stakket frist. Jeg er ret loren over for den type medicin, for jeg ved at når/hvis man stopper med den er man tilbage til start. Jeg er desuden ikke tilhænger at appetit regulerende midler, som gør at man ikke har lyst til at spise. Faren består i at man kan miste energi, få vitamin/mineral underskud og andre lign. ting – og dertil kommer at jeg i forvejen ikke spiser så meget i løbet af dagen – men til gengæld er det rigtig mad jeg spiser og jeg vil nyde min mad når jeg spiser.
For ca 4 måneder siden kom jeg over på en tablet, som hedder Jardiance, som jeg nu får sammen med min insulin. Resultatet er ikke udeblevet – mit blodsukker har forbedret sig i sådan en grad at jeg virkelig har det godt, som det er nu. Jeg har fået mere energi og en anden føle se i kroppen – og min seneste blodprøver viser at tallet er for nedadgående. Eneste ulempe er at jeg får tissetrang i timerne efter at have taget pillen – men det kan man heldigvis regulere på, når man ca. ved hvornår, det starter. Det drejer sig om 1-3 gange og det kan jeg sagtnes overleve.
En anden ting er at jeg gennem ca 1 år har tabt omkring 10 kg – så det går alt sammen i den rigtige retning.
and in english
Unfortunately, I have had difficulty managing my blood sugar for quite some time.
Initially, I switched to a new insulin – this happened 1 year ago. I have had to run it in, in order to occasionally adjust the dose. It got better for a while – but not good enough.
My doctor wanted me on Ozempic – but I said NO THANK YOU, because this is also a tight deadline. I’m quite wary of that type of medicine, because I know that when/if you stop taking it, you’re back to square one. I am also not a fan of appetite suppressants, which make you not want to eat. The danger is that you can lose energy, have vitamin/mineral deficits and the like. things – and on top of that I don’t already eat that much during the day – but on the other hand I eat real food and I want to enjoy my food when I eat.
About 4 months ago, I switched to a tablet called Jardiance, which I now receive together with my insulin. The result has not failed – my blood sugar has improved to such an extent that I really feel good as it is now. I have more energy and a different feeling in my body.
Another thing is that over the course of about 1 year I have lost about 10 kg – so everything is going in the right direction.
Intet – absolut intet kan slå min eftermiddags kaffe af pinden. Jeg er en af den, slags menneske som kan blive gnaven hvis ikke jeg kan få min eftermiddags kaffe. Det er min stund – min helle – og her jeg lige får styr på tankerne og får “sat” tingene i den rigtige rækkefølge.
Derfor er min kaffe ikke bare en hurtig kop – men med bønner jeg selv maler og derefter brygger min kaffe med.
Efter begge mine covid sygdomme har jeg kæmpet for at få min lugtesans tilbage – det har taget 1½ år første gang (2020) og næsten 1½ år anden gang (2022) – så det er virkelig en STOR ting at kunne dufte min frisklavede kaffe. Det er først nu at jeg rigtig kan dufte visse ting igen og kaffen er nr. 1 på min hitliste.